If you ever felt that your grips needed to be secured inside and out, PRO has the answer. Their PRO Dual Lock Sport Grips secure to your bars on both the inside and the outside.
The inside edge, that which nestles against your shifters and controllers, has a flush alloy lock ring. It’s narrower than the grips themselves, so it can lodge up against shifter clamps. The outside edge, the one at the end of the bars, is secured with an internal expander bolt.
Between the two, you’ll find a herringbone-patterned grip that allows for some mud and muck to get on the bars and still allow grip access. There’s a pressure relief core to soften the vibrations.
The width of the grips is 132mm. There are two diameters available, 30 and 32mm. Weight is 153g.
The PRO Dual Lock Sport Grips are two duals, which are a victory for both your hands.